When I was learning to knit as a young teen, someone gave our family a white cotton hand knit dishcloth. It was just plain garter stitch knit on the diagonal, but for some reason it fascinated me. It was so soft, so absorbant, and so cleverly crafted. My mother stashed it in a kitchen drawer reserved for "special" things. (This drawer also included special potholders that I wove on a loom, special cross stitched aprons, special decorated towels, and many many other special items that she saved for over 50 years until she had to move out!) I made it my knitting goal to copy that dishcloth, and was exceedingly proud when I succeeded.
I still love making dishcloths! They are so cheap to make (less than 50 cents each), practical, and people love to receive them as little gifts. From a knitting perspective, they give me a cheap way to experiment with new color and stitch patterns when I am feeling creative, and they can also provide portable, mindless entertainment for those times when I need such.
Here are some of my favorites from over the years. The images are linked to the free patterns- just a click away!

To purchase hand dyed cotton yarn (perfect for dishcloths!) from Sara’s Colorwave Yarns, click on the banner below.