My children, all teenagers now, have been complaining that the magic has gone out of Christmas. I remember feeling the same sense of loss as a young teen. One of the best things about being a parent has been once again experiencing the giddy anticipation and excitement of Christmas with my own small children.

Of course I knit the children Christmas stockings, shown above. I experimented with stitch patterns and colors, so I guess you could call them sampler stockings. (The stocking that doesn't match is the one my Aunt Jane made for me). These very same stockings will be hung up tonight, hopefully to be filled by Santa once again.

My daughter complained one year that Doggie needed a Christmas stocking too. I pulled out my size 00 needles and the finest sock yarn I could find, and made her this. It measures about four inches high, and you can click it to enlarge. The tiny little jingle bell on the tip has rusted, but my now sixteen-year-old daughter still pulls out this stocking with joy to hang it on the Christmas tree as an ornament!
Maybe there's still a little magic in her Christmas after all!

I love it!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! And Merry Christmas!