When College Boy was just a lttle tyke of about ten or eleven, I designed and made him a patriotic sweater on the knitting machine. Actually just the boring solid colors were machine knit, the stars themselves were made with the two-handed fair isle technique shown HERE. He was a great sport about wearing it, and it fit him perfectly for about a month until he outgrew it. Unfortunately a few years later, when Little Brother (shown at left) grew into it, he disparaged the sweater as too cheesy, and refused to wear it. So that was that, until now.
The little tyke has grown into a manly eighteen-year-old, and moved to Texas for college. He is shown graduating from high school in a previous post HERE. He hardly owns any winter clothes, and hasn't worn a sweater in years. Dallas gets cold in the winter (or so I hear, because it's 107 degrees in the shade there right now). Time for a new sweater!
Having learned my lesson about not offending the Fashion Police, I consulted with College Boy before he left about the preferred style, and he chose the one below at left (click to enlarge). This is "Wondrous Woven Cables" from The Best of Knitter's Arans and Celtics (available HERE). I am using Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool in the color oatmeal. It's not difficult to knit at all, even though it looks complicated. I just hope he doesn't think the pink knitting needles are unmanly.


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